How to control your Mind ??

Right from our childhood we are taught that humans use only 1% of their total brain's capacity and we as children always used to wonder what would our life be had we used a higher percentage of our brain.

But all our life the answer  to this question remains elusive to us. And at last we also leave it thinking it as a Utopian state. But even after abandoning the question, the question never abandon us and every time we hear this question a childlike curiosity  embraces us and we hope that now we will finally get the answer. But no answer gives us a concrete solutions.

Today i am also raising this same question and i am well aware of your expectations but still i can't give you any assurances beforehand, i can only tell you a way which may not be perfect but i m sure it is on the right path leading to a concrete solution.

So whats the solution?.........It is EXTENDED FOCUS

It may sound a cliched solution but the fact is truth is also a cliche as it remains same in all conditions. Lets see how it works....

Think of Mind as consisting of two part is Brain and other is Awareness.

Think of Brain as Big box divided into many compartments like anger,jealousy,kindness,joy,sorrow etc.

And Awareness as a light bulb which when goes to any compartment of brain it lights up that section  that is that section becomes conscious part of brain and other sections goes back to sub conscious part.

So whats the objective:

As this glowing ball of light i.e. awareness can travel to any compartment of brain, thus it is very agile and free floating so it constantly moves from one part to other all the time and so does our focus. Every time we try to focus on anything this fickle nature of awareness never let us do it.

So the trick is- EXTENDED FOCUS  i.e. to have an extended focus on anything we do and every time the awareness takes us to a different section we should again bring back our focus to the thing we are doing at first place and if it again happen again bring it back to its previous place and do it continuously as long as your focus doesn't becomes undivided. The more you practice it the better control you will have on your mind and a time will come when it will become a habit.

This method may not boost your brain capacity to 100% but it surely improve the previously used percentage and the results for you will be phenomenal that i can guarantee you.

So do one thing at a time and do it with your soul with your hundred percent focus and keep doing it without any diversion untill you finish the job. Every acivity of yours is a test be it as simple as drinking water or watching tv or reading a book or cooking .......anything....just do it without diverting your thoughts and with an undivided attention untill you do completes it.

When you will be  able to concentrate, you are able to focus all your energy into a single given point and Life is the manifestation of where your energy flowing. and if you can't concentrate your energy on the things that you want to manifest in your life then achieving them becomes very challenging and difficult.